Library Closed on Sundays Memorial Day through Labor Day

Library summer hours are in effect. MPL will be closed every Sunday through Labor Day. All other hours remain the same.


Library of Kid Things

Bike lock and key

Need to secure your ride, but don't have a lock? MPL has bike locks available to checkout at the Main Service Desk.

Luigi birthday cake made with shaped cake pan from MPL collection

Looking to bake a unique cake for a special occasion? Take a look at our selection of specialty cake pans available for checkout.

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Concept kit bag contents show books, DVDs, and activities about farms

Counting, music, colors, and more! These kits contain books and games to familiarize the kiddos with a variety of concepts.

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Ice Age Trail backpack and contents

Learn about Wisconsin's flora and fauna while hiking the Ice Age National Scenic Trail with these Explorer Backpacks courtesy of the Ice Age Trail Alliance.

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Staff Picks for Kids