Library Closed on Sundays Memorial Day through Labor Day

Library summer hours are in effect. MPL will be closed every Sunday through Labor Day. All other hours remain the same.

Laptop Usage Agreement

Last Updated Date
Policy Type

Library Mission: The mission of Manitowoc Public Library (MPL) is to promote a culture of reading and to provide access to information. Through services, we strive to foster an environment that meets the educational, recreational and cultural needs of the community.

Purpose: In keeping with its mission to enrich, connect, and inspire, Manitowoc Public Library is committed to supporting the community and digital literacy. Library staff will enforce the following guidelines and procedures for use of Manitowoc Public Library’s laptops in a consistent and impartial manner.

Eligibility: Laptops will be made available to patrons who meet all of the following requirements:

  • Patrons, aged 18 years or older, who are in good standing (owing fines of $9.99 or less) and who present a valid MCLS library card (Temporary Library Cards and Guest Passes not eligible).
  • Patrons who have read and signed this Laptop Usage Agreement.

Patron Responsibility

  • Patrons using library laptops are subject to the Library’s Internet Services Policy.
  • Patrons are responsible for reporting to staff any visible damage or device malfunction as soon as possible after checkout.
  • Laptop borrower agrees to assume responsibility for proper use and care of library equipment and for returning the mobile device in the same condition as when checked out. Any equipment malfunction shall be reported immediately to library staff.
  • When the use period is over, the borrower shall return the laptop to the Laptop Checkout Kiosk.
  • Laptops borrowed from the Laptop Checkout Kiosk must be returned within 2 hours of checkout or 15 minutes before library closing time, whichever is first. Failure to return the device prior to closing may result in being charged for the full cost of the device.  Leaving the device unattended may result in suspension of patron’s laptop borrowing privileges.
  • If there is no active waiting list, laptop session may be extended within 15 minutes of its return deadline. In order to extend a laptop session, the patron must make their request at the Main Service Desk.
  • Laptops are for IN-LIBRARY USE ONLY. They may not be taken out of the Library, left unattended, taken into a restroom, or loaned to another person.
  • Theft or damage to a laptop may be reported to law enforcement authorities and result in criminal and/or civil penalties. Patron may also be responsible for paying full replacement cost for the device.  
  • If the laptop is stolen, the patron should notify library staff and together, file a police report. Theft or damage to a laptop may result in patron being charged for the replacement cost of the items.

Laptop Checkout Loan Periods/Charges

  • Laptop user must follow all library policies and procedures that relate to equipment use in the Library.  By checking out a laptop, a patron is agreeing to abide by the terms of the Laptop Usage Agreement.
  • Laptop may be checked out for a maximum of 2 hours. An extension of a laptop session is subject to availability and patron demand.
  • If a laptop is not returned by closing time, the laptop will be considered stolen and will be reported as such to law enforcement authorities and a fine of $800 for the laptop will be assessed to a borrower’s library account if lost, stolen or unreturned.
  • All damages – external and internal – will be assessed to determine charges billed, and may be assigned up to the full cost of the equipment.  Examples of internal damages may include operating system corruption, deletion of library loaded software, and installation of malware.  Full charges for lost and damaged equipment are as follows:
    • Laptop: $800
    • Cracked screen: $250
  • Reservations for laptops are not accepted.  Laptops are available on a first come, first served basis only.
  • Laptops shall be returned to the Laptop Checkout Kiosk 15 minutes prior to the Library closing. No laptops may be borrowed 30 minutes prior to the Library closing.

User Files

  • All files and downloads will be deleted when the laptop is returned to the Laptop Checkout Kiosk.
  • Wireless printing to the public printer is available on laptops, subject to printing fees posted in the Business Center.
  • The Library is not responsible for damage to an external device (i.e. flash drive or other external drive) or for the loss of data that may occur while the laptop is in use.

Board Approved: 8/26/2019

Revised: 6/2022